Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Washington presence

I'm sorry that we have to have a Washington presence. We thrived during our first 16 years without any of this. I never made a political visit to Washington and we had no people here. It wasn't on our radar screen. Knowledge Knowledge-Based Knowledgeable Known Knows Knuckle Knuckles Koala Kobe Bryant Kodak Kong Kool Koran Korea Korean Peninsula War Koreans Kosher Kosovo Koufax Kubrick Kung Kung-Fu Kurdish Kurds Kurosawa Kurt Kuwait La Lab Label Labeled Labeling Labelled Labels Labor Day Movement Laboratories Laboratory Labored Laborer Laborers Laboring Laborious Laboriously Labors Labour Government Party Labourer Labouring Labours Labs Labyrinth Lace Laced Lacey Lack Lacked Lackeys Lacking Lacks Lad Ladder Ladders Laden Ladies Lads Lady Ladylike Lag Lager Lags Laid Back Lain Lair Lake Lakers Lakes Lama Lamb Lambs Lame Lament Lamentable Lamentation Lamp Lamps Lana Lancaster Lance Armstrong Land Landed Landfill Landing Landis Landlady Landlord Landlords Landmark Landmarks Landowners Lands Landscape Landscapes Landslide Lane Lang Language Languages Lanka Lantern Lap Lapel Lapels Laps Lapse Lapsed Lapses Laptop Laptops Larceny Lard Large Amounts Audience Body City Enough Extent Family Group Groups Majority Measure Number Numbers Percentage Portion Proportion Scale Sums Large-Scale Largely Larger Companies Scale Largesse Largest Lark Larks Larry Hagman

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